December 29, 2011

The hangover-killing breakfast burger

This breakfast is in no way endorsed by the calorie-counting demon existing inside me, but occasionally I feel the need to completely destroy one of these bad boys. And generally go back to bed straight after. Eat at your own risk.

Per burger:
Two slices of thick slced bread
Two slices of cheese
Two full rashers of bacon
One egg
Red onion, sliced
Tomato, sliced
a couple of spinach leaves
Tomato sauce and/or aioli

The key is all in the assembly. I know everyone thinks they're a burger king or queen, but they have been lying to you. You want the cheese to melt, and you don't want the tomato sliding off the egg and down your shirt.

So, it's put all this together, it's the perfect mix of disgusting hangover cure, plus a couple of salad items (who am I kidding?) and it's ready to go.

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